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*20% offer valid with purchase of four (4) or more Sephora Collection merchandise products, 15% offer valid with purchase of three (3) Sephora Collection merchandise products, and 10% offer valid with purchase of two (2) Sephora Collection merchandise products, each on a per-transaction basis. Offer valid on purchases made from 12:01am PT on 2/9/24 through 2/11/24 at 11:59pm PT in Sephora US and Canada stores, Sephora at Kohl’s, on, on, and Offer has no cash value. Not valid on Instagram Checkout, Instacart, Doordash, in-store services, previous purchases, purchases of gift cards, gift wrapping, packaging, taxes, or shipping and handling charges. Return of discounted merchandise will be for price actually paid. Sephora/Kohl’s is not responsible for damaged, lost, or stolen offer materials. Offer has no cash value and may not be altered, sold, bartered, or transferred. Not valid on orders shipping outside the US or Canada. Sephora employees are not eligible. Sephora/Kohl’s may modify or cancel offer at any time.
**Enter promotion code SAMPLESCENTS in the promotion code box at checkout to receive a free trial size, while supplies last, with any merchandise purchase of $50 or more on or One per client. Excludes Buy Online, Pick Up In Store orders. Minimum purchase threshold excludes past purchases, gift cards, gift wrapping, packaging, taxes, shipping & handling charges. Trial size provided “as is” and cannot be substituted by client. Offer has no cash value. Not combinable with other offers, unless otherwise specified. Sephora may modify or cancel offer at any time.
¶Terms and conditions apply. Acknowledgement of the Auto-Replenish Terms & Conditions at checkout is required for the subscription. The subscription will continue until canceled. Subscription can be canceled at any time through the Auto-Replenish page in your Beauty Insider account. The Auto-Replenish Hot Deal discount promotion is valid for Beauty Insider members from 12:01am PT 02/01/2024 to 11:59pm PT 03/14/2024 and applicable for first-time subscribers only. Orders applicable to Auto-Replenish Hot Deal promotional discount must be used within one year of sign-up.